1092 Community Events We all knew the snow was going to come eventually... and it has arrived! Arterial & collector street snow removal begins Wednesday, Feb. 28 and will run until this Friday, Mar. 1. We are looking at residential snow removal next week, stay tuned for more info! Streets Planned by Date Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024 Saskatchewan Avenue Superior Street Downtown Core Columbia Ave. West Huron Street Pidgeon Street Ontario Street Erie Street Industrial Park Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024 Athabasca Avenue Athabasca Drive Jasper Court South Haven Avenue St. Clair Street Banff Court West St. Lawrence Avenue Michigan Street to Miquelon Avenue Friday, Mar. 1, 2024 Erie Street South Miquelon Avenue Michigan Street from Miquelon south to Devonian Trail Highwood Boulevard Oakland Boulevard If your regularly park along one of these roads, please have your vehicle moved so we can complete snow removal as quickly as possible. *Please note, these are subject to change due to weather or other factors and if a street is not completed on its scheduled date it will be added to a later date. Share Print Documents to download Snow-Removal-Feb-28-1(.pdf, 1.99 MB) - 195 download(s) Snow-Removal-Feb-28-2(.pdf, 1.16 MB) - 157 download(s) Snow-Removal-Feb-29(.pdf, 1.88 MB) - 158 download(s) Snow-Removal-Mar-1(.pdf, 1.3 MB) - 182 download(s)