S-Cubed Environmental was retained by the Town of Devon (Town) to determine the composition of the Town’s solid waste streams from the residential sector. The waste audit was conducted May 29 and 30, 2018. The previous waste audit was conducted in June 2012.
At that time the Town provided curbside garbage and recycling collection year-round (carts and bags, respectively) and yard waste collection for six months using bags. Since then, the Town of Devon has grown to around 2500 household of which 2,159 receive curbside collection yearround for all solid waste streams; recycling (blue bag), organics (green cart) and garbage (black cart). Waste collection services are provided weekly, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and all solid waste streams are collected on the same day. The Town has operated a Recycling Depot for many years, which is utilized by residents from Town and from the surrounding County for a wide range of materials.
Read the 2018 Devon Waste Audit Report here.